Poster presentation requires the following:
- Poster, as a PDF document.
- Brief (4 minutes) oral presentation In English with 2 minutes for discussion. You can support your talk with up to 5 ppt slides.
- Google Meet link so that you can continue talking with those most interested in your work, immediately after the PS (12:30 to 13:00).
Specific instructions for Poster
1.-Before Sunday, April 18, 23:59 (local time), you must send to the Google Meet link to discuss your work and the poster PDF with following specifications:
- In English
- Format: vertical 25 cm (width) x 35 cm (height) or, in pixels, 1200 (width) x 1600 (height)
- Maximum weight: 5 MB
- File name: PS #…. + SURNAME + NAME (presenter)
2.-Before Sunday, May 9, 23:59 (local time), you must send to a Power Point document (.ppt) with up to 5 slides, as visual support for your presentation.
- In English
- Each slide should be for full screen with easily readable fonts.
- Maximum weight: 10 MB
- Name of the file: PS #…. + SURNAME + NAME (of presenter)
Registration & Abstract Submission
Instructions and important dates:
April 8: accepted posters and those selected for oral communications are announced. Poster presenters will be requested to send to the poster in PDF format, with the following measurements: Maximum weight: 5 MB, Maximum width: 1200 px or 25 cm, Maximum height: 1600 px or 35 cm, VERTICAL. Likewise, they must send a Google Meet link, virtual space where the presenting author and those interested in their work will meet during the poster session.
IMPORTANT: Abstracts will be published in a Supplement of Medicina (Buenos Aires).
The registration procedure (available until May 15) includes the following steps:
1.- Personal information: name, surname, e-mail and Institution.
2.- Payment: credit card (POSTER PRESENTERS ONLY)
Billing information is required. Electronic invoices will be sent by e-mail 3 weeks after payment.
3.- New Abstract Submission deadline: April 1st
Abstracts must be:
* in English
* Less than 1500 characters including spaces (abstract body)
* fill in the online form (see below)
For step 2 and 3, click HERE