Poster presentation requires the following:
  • Poster, as a PDF document.
  • Brief (4 minutes) oral presentation In English with 2 minutes for discussion. You can support your talk with up to 5 ppt slides.
  • Google Meet link so that you can continue talking with those most interested in your work, immediately after the PS (12:30 to 13:00).
Specific instructions  for Poster

1.-Before Sunday, April 18, 23:59 (local time), you must send to the Google Meet link to discuss your work and the poster PDF with following specifications:

  • In English
  • Format: vertical 25 cm (width) x 35 cm (height) or, in pixels, 1200 (width) x 1600 (height)
  • Maximum weight: 5 MB
  • File name: PS #…. + SURNAME + NAME (presenter)

2.-Before Sunday, May 9, 23:59 (local time), you must send to a Power Point document (.ppt) with up to 5 slides, as visual support for your presentation.

  • In English
  • Each slide should be for full screen with easily readable fonts.
  • Maximum weight: 10 MB
  • Name of the file: PS #…. + SURNAME + NAME (of presenter)

Registration & Abstract Submission

Instructions and important dates:

March 15: registration and reception of abstracts for posters and oral communications opens.
 Those interested in registering or applying to present a poster / oral communication must complete the new online form that will be available from March 15 on the web. Important: those who have registered and sent their abstract for the previous date (2020), must send it through this new form. This step is essential to be registered in BA-BCS 2021, without exception. In this new format, only those participants who apply to present a poster / oral communication will have to pay registration. In other words, registration for attendees is free.  Those people who have registered for BA-BCS 2020 as attendees and have paid for the registration, will receive an email from the organization shortly. Please, take note that the registration fee is transferable. Those who have paid for the previous version and cannot assist should write an email informing the person who will receive it.
 April 1, 11:59 pm: abstract submission closes.
April 8: accepted posters and those selected for oral communications are announced. Poster presenters will be requested to send to the poster in PDF format, with the following measurements: Maximum weight: 5 MB, Maximum width: 1200 px or 25 cm, Maximum height: 1600 px or 35 cm, VERTICAL. Likewise, they must send a Google Meet link, virtual space where the presenting author and those interested in their work will meet during the poster session.
NEW deadline:  April 18, 11:59 pm: PDF  and the Meet link submission close.
May 15: registration closes. Congress contents will be available on the virtual platform (e-congress).
May 17, 2:00 pm: start of the congress.
May 21, 8:00 pm: congress end.


IMPORTANT: Abstracts will be published in a Supplement of Medicina (Buenos Aires).


The registration procedure (available until May 15) includes the following steps:

1.- Personal information: name, surname, e-mail and Institution.
2.- Payment: credit card (POSTER PRESENTERS ONLY)
Billing information is required. Electronic invoices will be sent by e-mail 3 weeks after payment.
3.- New Abstract Submission deadline: April 1st
Abstracts must be:
*  in English
*  Less than 1500 characters including spaces (abstract body)
*  fill in the online form (see below)

For step 2 and 3, click HERE